
The only thing we love more than reading is helping our community find books they'll love.

Check out one of these great reading resources, or talk with any TFPL staff member for more!

Themed book recommendations from professional librarians, customized by TFPL librarians for our collection, with links to our catalog. They arrive in your email inbox on a monthly or bimonthly basis for readers of all interests and all ages. To subscribe, and find more local interest newsletters, click here.

Each month, Booklist Reader will showcase top-10 lists, must reads, interviews with (and articles by) top authors and illustrators, and adult, youth, and audio recommendations for readers of all different kinds of books. Here's the latest digital issue or drop in to the Library for a paper issue!

Our Readers Dozen challenge encourages readers to step outside their comfort zone and read a different type of book each month for an entire year. We choose the theme, you choose the book. And, if you complete all 12 months, you win one of our yearly prizes!

Find out more about the Readers Dozen on our blog at, and don't miss our Readers Dozen Discussion the third Thursday of each month at 11:30 AM!

Limited Edition Book Club gives you a chance to take a dive into a different subject or theme every 3 months. Each discussion, held the fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, is facilitated by one of our Librarians. Visit our calendar to see what we're reading this month, or stop by the Reference Desk to pick up the latest titles.

Want more? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, or join our Facebook Group, Book Buffet.