Library Programs on Saturday, January 28th 2023
Snowshoeing 101 w/ City of Rocks Park Rangers!
10:30 a.m. - noon
All Ages ProgramCity of Rocks Park Rangers will be here January 28th to teach you the basics of snowshoeing! They'll cover the equipment you need, where to get it, where to snowshoe in Southern Idaho. Then, join us in the park for some hands-on practice (equipment is limited, BYO snowshoe if possible)! Ages 12+.
Saturday Movie Matinee
3 p.m. - 5 p.m.
All Ages ProgramCatch a free Movie Matinee every Saturday at 3:00 PM! We can't put the titles here due to licensing, but stop by the Library for a full calendar or give us a call to find out what's playing!