Interlibrary Loans
The Twin Falls Public Library will move to a different system for InterLibrary Loans this summer. To ensure we can properly track materials, we will suspend new ILL requests starting Monday, April 7th.
Any ILLs requested before this date will be processed as normal, though renewals may or may not be allowed depending on due dates. We hope to launch the new system in late May or early June. NOTE: This change will not affect holds placed through the catalog, or holds coming through the Lynx Courier System.
If you have any questions, please contact the Reference Desk at 208-733-2964, ext. 2, or email
If you can’t find the item you want in our Library
Check with the Reference Desk to see if we can either place a request for TFPL to purchase or request to borrow it for you from another library. Here are our InterLibrary Loan (ILL) considerations:
- A patron with a card in good standing (account is updated and fines/fees are under $10) can place up to 3 ILL requests at a time. Audio/visual materials are only borrowed from participating LYNX Consortium libraries or willing Magic Valley libraries. Books may be borrowed from participating libraries across the U.S.
- Once the item arrives, it will remain on hold for the patron for 10 days. Items not picked up during that time will be assessed a $5 non-use fee. The patron who placed the ILL request must be the person who picks up the item(s).
- Borrowing period for items is 3 weeks. Late items will accrue fees at $1/day.
- One renewal for books only can be requested with a 3-day notice. DVDs cannot be renewed.
- At least three weeks must pass before the same item can be requested again by the same patron for ILL. The same item can only be requested twice more.
Items that cannot be borrowed include the following:
- Items published in the last 12 months.
- Items owned by TFPL (unless all copies are lost or missing)
- Bound periodicals
- Ebooks and downloadable audio
- Video & board games
- Items from outside the United States
- LP records
Other considerations and/or special circumstances may be in effect. See the Reference Desk with questions.